To create an account, go to In.Inc and click 'Sign Up' if you are a new user, or 'Login' if you already have an account.
Once registered, an admin account will be created for you. To activate your account, you will need to purchase a plan.
As an In.Inc Admin, you can:
Note: To increase the number of credits, you must upgrade your plan.
In your In.Inc. account, select your initials in the top right corner and click ‘Settings’, or from the left panel click ‘Settings’ or Simply click 'Upgrade' on the right side of the top menu bar.
The first tab in Settings is My Profile, where you can view your personal details—
On your account page, select the 'Payments & Subscription' tab.
If you choose to upgrade your plan—such as switching from Business to Enterprise or moving from a monthly to an annual subscription—an automatic adjustment will be made based on the unused portion of your current plan.
When you select a new plan, you’ll be charged the price of the new plan minus the value of the unused portion of your previous plan.
The checkout page will display the adjusted amount, if applicable.
Important Notes:
You can view your invoice details in the Payment & Subscription section.